Today, I’m feeling completely frivolous. It’s as though thinking of the Joy ‘Old School reunion’ gig which takes place this afternoon has set my mood. Unconsciously I guess. I shudder to imagine the sort of foolish things some of the people who often attend this event “jimi –ready” have in store for us today! Those young boys - and girls! - who wear all manner of silly apparel including cross dress, all in the name of having fun! Don’t we all have a little bit of such ‘adventure’ in us! A sort of escapade! Go on, admit it. A tiny little weenie bit! Only if we had the courage to live it, even if it’s only for a day, or a few hours like the ‘Reunion’ offers us! Me, I enjoy observing these people just misbehave! It brings back a lot of memories of school days when during inter-house sport competitions we would bring out a bit of this idiocy in us! I just love singing along to the ‘jama’ sounds and whistling! Did I hear my old school ask that they bring some intellectual games to this event? Like Chess?! Come on, Motown! Let your hair down! It’s a day of frivolity, merriment, lightheartedness, a day when we can all embrace each other and just dance and laugh with old school mates and strangers with abandon, for crying out loud! Chill out!
Now, you know I don’t really go on so much about one thing, but I have to share this again. I had too much fun at the Disco Session with DJ Blow last Friday at the Impulse Night Club much to my own surprise! At one time, I think I must have been on the dance floor for over 30 minutes and in spite of feeling tired – it’s sad to realize one is pushing on in age (sob, sob) – both Adwoa Serwaa, my crazy dancing partner and I would be revived, utterly rejuvenated each time DJ Blow drops another ‘anthem’! We’d go, “hey, this one... I remember...” And then we’d try to do the dance of the era of the song, like the ‘messup’ or ‘shoe-shine’ or ‘the Gbojos!’ remember that one? And when we started the dance-train, everyone joined in and we just had a ball! The rotating Mirror Ball also made it all surreal, and on occasion, I thought I was at Keteke or Maharani! O! What fun we had. On again this Friday, I shall represent once more, as the dancing is actually helping to tighten my previously aching joints! I like it that the session begins early, and it’s free entry between 6pm when it starts and 8. A cover is charged thereafter, and ends aptly at midnight. Good enough time for me drive home safely as there’ll still be a few cars on the road! These days you don’t want to be driving around too late! And, it’s also nice to see so many people dressed decently in a club!
Now, did you also hear Komla on BBC World Service? I mean, World! There’s a difference. There’s BBC Network Africa service and there’s BBC World Service. Our ‘Boss Player’ has moved on from Network Africa, and has become, get this, the first African to be a presenter on BBC World! That is something! I mean, Ghana, we chalk so many firsts, and Komla has made another illustrious one for us! I celebrate him! I’m so proud of him. On the BBC website, he’s mentioned as The World Today’s Komla Dumor. Now, that’s absolutely nice.
So, do you have social confidence? I like to think that I do. If you think you don’t, there’s a good chance for you to rectify it. Ha, well, if you switch toothpaste to Close Up, you’ll find you’ll have so much of it, you can even grow close to a partner for a dance of Salsa! You know, that passionate dance form that brings people close together. With Salsamania taking over the capital, there’s a big carnival, the ‘Close Up Salsa Fiesta’, coming to the Round Pavilion at Trade Fair Centre soon. I hear it will feature some 10 Salsa clubs from around town whose groups and couples will make presentations for marking by some experts who will select the best. As organizer Tess tells me, the mouth is central to all communication, and if it is Close Up clean, you can better communicate, whether it’s through talking or through dancing Salsa! So get the toothpaste and dance!
Talking about dancing, wondering where the dancehall king of Ghana is, I’ve just called Samini to find out what he’s been up to and he’s telling me how excited he is to be in the studio, putting the finishing touches to a new album. “It will feature some great variety of new stuff, including some songs in Dagarti!” he says. Well, hurry it Batman! Now, we miss you. Time was when he used to annoy me, this Samini, with his super cool style and stagecraft! When he’s performing, all the ladies would scream, and in his smooth style, he would deliver a show, making them talk about him all night! That is annoying to any guy, particularly those like me who sport a one-pack tummy! Well, now, I miss seeing him and his energy on stage, so it’s time he re-surfaced. “Soon,” says he. I wait impatiently.
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